By Renae Weaver on Thursday, 09 January 2014
Category: Marketing

Get Your Business Online in 2014

Small to medium-sized businesses cannot always afford all the resources to make their business grow and expand. A website in today's marketplace should be a priority however, there are still a large number of companies that do not have one. A survey done of Australian businesses revealed, that many small and medium companies, were still moving slowly when it came to engaging online. While 91.9% of Australian businesses had internet access, less than half (44.6%) had an online presence (ABS). No matter what type of business you are you should be online, even if you have the bare minimum on your website like contact details or a list of your services you are still giving yourself more exposure to new markets than if you were not online. 

Rent-a-Website is a service designed to help businesses get online at an affordable price. Gone is the time when you had to pay for your website upfront, now you can pay for it monthly – like you do your mobile phone. You don't have to worry about upgrading and maintaining your website we manage that for you. Rental plans are at least 12 months, and you can buy out your website anytime. A professionally designed site will help your business build credibility, communicate effectively with your market, and act as a trading centre, and relationship builder.

So stop putting it off. If you don't have a website now is the time to do something about it. Plans start from less than a "cup of coffee a day".

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