Local Digital Marketing Services for SMEs

In the fast-paced digital age, businesses often struggle to stand out and attract their target audience. How can they ensure their online presence is both impactful and effective?  They seek solutions.  Utilising comprehensive digital marketing services can be the transformative step needed. These services encompass strategies tailored to...

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Understanding the Importance of Page Links

In today's online ecosystem, the success of your website largely hinges on its visibility and accessibility to users.  Adding page links to your site can help improve its search engine ranking and attract more visitors. Both internal links (within your site) and external links (to other sites) are important for a successful SEO strategy. ...

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Maximizing Your ROI with Customised Marketing Solutions

In today's hyper-competitive business environment, achieving a strong return on investment (ROI) from marketing efforts is paramount. Custom digital marketing strategies, personalized content, and targeted advertising are key components that can significantly drive up ROI. This article explores the importance of customized marketing solutions and p...

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The Future of Digital Marketing: AI's Transformative Impact

In an era where technology evolves at breakneck speed, the future of digital marketing through the lens of artificial intelligence (AI) paints a picture of endless possibilities and transformative changes. As businesses and marketers adapt to this new digital age, understanding how AI will shape future strategies is not just beneficial—it's imperat...

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How Custom Digital Campaigns Drive Engagement

In today's digital world, it's no secret that traditional marketing tactics are no longer enough to capture and retain customers. With the rise of technology and social media, consumers are constantly bombarded with advertisements and marketing messages, making it difficult for businesses to stand out. That's where custom digital campaigns come in....

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Maximizing ROI with Full Service Marketing Solutions

In today's fast-paced digital world, businesses must have a strong online presence to stay competitive. This is where full-service marketing solutions come into play. By utilizing a full-service marketing agency, businesses can maximize their return on investment (ROI) and achieve their marketing goals. In this article, we'll explore the benefits o...

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99% of Searchers Won’t Find Your Site Without SEO Services

What does working with an SEO specialist on the Gold Coast mean? It means working to get in front of 99% of searchers who will never click on the second page of Google – or any search engine. This means if your website isn't on that first page, it's virtually invisible to the vast majority of potential customers.  In today's digital ...

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Top 7 Ways to Build Brand Trust and Credibility Through Web Design

Building brand trust and credibility with your business web design should be a number one priority. Once credibility and brand trust have been built, your other business objectives will be achieved more easily. If you have ever looked for goods or services online, checked out a website from an unknown company and quickly abandoned the page as it lo...

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Best Practices to Increase Your ‘Clickability’ Online

The word of the week is Clickability... In today's digital world, the competition among brands and companies to entice you to click on their ads has drastically increased. Virtual spaces online have now replaced actual physical spaces to relay information and advertise products to consumers. In 2019, online advertisers outspent TV advertisers by at...

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6 Effective Ways to Include User-Generated Content in Your Marketing Strategy

From Coca-Cola's "Share-a-Coke" campaign to Burberry's "Art of the Trench", User-Generated Content (UGC) has proven to be a game-changer in content marketing as it brings businesses using it to promote their brand tons of added revenue, as well as a whole new image. When it comes to purchasing products today who are you more likely to trust, the br...

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How the Flywheel Approach Killed the Marketing Funnel

For years companies have structured their business strategies around the funnel, and it worked. But, all good things must come to an end, right? Today, customer referrals and word-of-mouth have become the largest influence in the purchase process. ENTER THE FLYWHEEL METHOD The funnel's major flaw was that it viewed customers as an afterthought, not...

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Build brand buzz on these social media platforms in 2018

Build brand buzz, drive customer engagement and boost your bottom line on these social media platforms in 2018.  From Instagram stories to Influencer marketing, immersive content and video content these are the social media marketing strategies you need to boost engagement.

How to Get More Followers on Instagram Fast and Free

Followers jump on board one of the fastest-growing social media platforms around and learn how you can increase followers.  Instagram has over 800 million monthly users and over 500 million daily users with 80% of accounts following at least one business account, enabling many small businesses to break free from just their local markets to cre...

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How to Personalise Your Email Marketing More Effectively?

Did you know people check their emails on average 4 times per day? I know I check mine a lot more - between my business and personal emails it's definitely much more than 4 times per day.  Personalized emails deliver 47% higher transaction rates than classic emails but 70% of brands fail to use them as an integral part of their digital marketi...

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7 Powerful Visual Storytelling Techniques for Website Design

Every brand has a story, but how are you telling your story online? Visual storytelling in web design is a growing trend so we are going to dive a little further into techniques that make for good interaction with your storytelling and design. Like we want to see the moral of the story at the end of a book, we expect to see the purpose or goal behi...

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What Are the Most Important SEO Ranking Factors?

Google's algorithm incorporates thousands of signals when it comes to determining page ranking for a search. There are, however, several factors that carry more weight than others, so optimising for these factors can be the difference between success and failure of being found online.  1. HOW MOBILE-FRIENDLY ARE YOU?  Mobile for some time...

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Want to Increase your Conversion Rate Online

Your SEO is doing wonders for your website and getting you great rankings and even better traffic, but this traffic means nothing to your business if it doesn't convert to meaningful revenue. What will matter the most to the bottom line of any online marketing activities will be your conversion rate. This can also come in a number of forms and...

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The Rise of Mobile Marketing

2016 was crowned "the Year of Mobile" because the number of mobile users reached over 2.1 billion. So in 2017, I think you already know that your digital marketing strategy needs to incorporate mobile marketing. Today, it's impossible to not see people glued to their smartphones' screens. These little hand-held devices easily grab our attentio...

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7 Free Techniques to Increase Traffic to Your Website

People are searching for your business online as you read this article. Just because you have a website does not mean that you will be found online. SEO has become an important tool that needs to be included in any online marketing plan. Both online and off-line techniques are used to drive traffic to your website and it is this traffic that will m...

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Why is YouTube Effective for Marketing - Supercharge Your Strategy

By now we all know that images and video attract our attention more than words and with over 1 billion unique visitors to YouTube each month and over 6000 million hours of video being watched, this platform has become a tool every small business owner should consider using in their marketing strategy. Most potential customers would much rather watc...

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