By Renae Weaver on Thursday, 31 October 2013
Category: Web Design

Is your Website Mobile Responsive?

Did you know that more individuals have access to cell phones than to restrooms today? Six billion of the projected seven billion people on the planet have access to mobile phones. That's enormous! ​

Billions of users use their phones every second to do various types of transactions, including searching for restaurants, information, and purchasing. The idea is that consumers often start their search for products or services on their smartphones and tablets.
Hence, the question is whether a customer utilising a mobile device would be able to navigate through your website without getting lost or if they would become frustrated. So ask yourself do I have a mobile-friendly website? By incorporating these mobile-friendly web design features, you can create a better user experience for your mobile visitors and increase engagement on your website.
The following are some essential elements of responsive web design:
  1. Responsive design: A responsive design ensures that your website adapts to different screen sizes and orientations, making it easier to view and navigate on mobile devices.
  2. Simple navigation: Mobile users expect easy and intuitive navigation. Use clear, concise menus and avoid complicated drop-downs or menus.
  3. Large, readable fonts: Smaller screens can make text difficult to read, so use larger font sizes to make your content more readable on mobile devices.
  4. Minimalist design: A clean, minimalist design helps reduce clutter on smaller screens, making it easier for users to focus on your content.
  5. Mobile-first approach: Design your website with mobile users in mind. This means starting with the mobile design first and then building up to the desktop design.
  6. Touch-friendly elements: Mobile devices rely on touch navigation, so ensure that buttons and links are large enough and spaced out enough for easy tapping.
  7. Fast loading speed: Mobile users are often on-the-go and have limited data plans, so ensure that your website loads quickly to keep users engaged.
  8. Clear calls-to-action: Mobile users expect to be able to complete tasks quickly and easily, so make sure your calls-to-action are clear and easy to find.
sRBy incorporating these mobile-friendly web design features, you can create a better user experience for your mobile visitors and increase engagement on your website.  If you need help with a mobile responsive website check out our affordable website plans or get in touch and have a chat with one of our web designers.
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