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4 Proven Steps to Boost Your Facebook Presence in Just One Day

Increase Facebook Presence 4 simple steps to increase your Facebook presence for beginners

Social Media is a business's link to millions of people in an instant; it gives businesses the power to reach consumers like never before. Although just having a Facebook or Twitter account is not going to draw consumers in. Businesses need to take that interaction a step further and step out of their comfort zone and into the world where their customers are. In this blog post, we will look at how to increase your social media presence in the world of Facebook with four simple steps for beginners!! 

Your first step...

Customize your page's URL - Customizing your Facebook Page URL is vital for Search Engine Optimisation in both Google and Facebook. If your URL is a bunch of random numbers your brand will not show when a consumer search for it. Your URL is able to be customised once you have 25 likes or more.

Step two...

The next step you should look at to increase your social media presence is to make sure your page is memorable. Do you have a fantastic cover image and profile picture on your Facebook page or an eye-catching background image on your Twitter page? 

You want these images to represent your brand effectively, and you need to be recognisable. Today we are continuously bombarded by brands, products and services, so it's your job to ensure your brand stands out from the rest within your market. It's great for you if your customers can immediately identify your brand and know what you offer easily so they don't have to extensively search for it.

Step three...

Another way to increase your reach on social media is to increase your likes and follows. This is the number one goal businesses think about achieving but it is more important to have quality over quantity because you want connections that are going to interact with you and are interested in what you have to offer.

There are now many companies that sell likes for social media pages, but although this looks great and is very ego-boosting on the surface there is no real substance underneath.

Last tip...

Another tip I want to share with you guys to increase your presence in the social media world is how important diversity is within your social media marketing. We've all heard the saying variety is the spice of life! Social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest have fuelled the shift in visual marketing as the trend for 2013.

When it comes to their products businesses are starting to show not tell. Two years ago marketers were spreading the word that "content is king" but now it seems "a picture really is worth a thousand words." This trend toward the visual is also influenced by the shifting habits of technology users i.e. mobile phones and tablets.

A 2013 study showed that 44% of respondents are more likely to engage with brands if they post pictures than any other media. Pictures have become a default mode for consumers to sort out and understand the vast amounts of information they are exposed to every day. Let's face it no one is interested in reading vast amounts of text one post after another. To enhance your followers, and friends and engage your users you want to be mixing up your posts and regularly updating your pages to keep them fresh and interesting. Make sure you are mixing up your posts with videos, pictures, links, articles, and short/long posts and by following these tips we have outlined you will have built up a solid social media presence in no time!

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