4 Proven Steps to Boost Your Facebook Presence in Just One Day

Social Media is a business's link to millions of people in an instant; it gives businesses the power to reach consumers like never before. Although just having a Facebook or Twitter account is not going to draw consumers in. Businesses need to take that interaction a step further and step out of their comfort zone and into the world where their cus...

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Top 10 Benefits of Being Online for Your Business

In the 21st century, a website is a vital part of your business! Why you, ask?The market in which business is conducted and communication has changed dramatically over the years. In 2000 33% of Australians had access to an internet connection, today 88% of Australians have access to the internet and that's growing and increasing daily. Phonebooks a...

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How do I get to the top of Google?

Search Engine listings are the #1 way to generate website traffic. However, there are now more web pages in the world than there are people, so even the best-designed site offering the greatest products or services will not be found if nobody knows it exists!With Search Engines receiving an estimated 90% of all Internet traffic, to be successful, i...

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5 Final Steps to Define Your Target Market - Have You Chosen Right

Now that you have the basics of selecting your target market you need to evaluate your decision. Consider the following questions:Are there enough people that fit my criteria?Will my target really benefit from my product/service? Will they see a need for it? Do I understand what drives my target to make decisions?Can they afford my product/ser...

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Target Markets - Understanding Demographics and Psychographics

Now that you have begun defining your target market the next step is to choose your Demographics and Psychographics. By doing this, you are further defining specific markets, benefiting your business. Firstly to define your demographics; you must be specific when doing so. Look at particular customers who need and want your product or service ...

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3 Tips to Identify your Target Market

Here are our 3 top tips to help you define your target market: 1. Research Your Current Customer Base. Look at the common characteristics and interests of your current customers, in particular: who are they and why do they buy from you? It's quite likely that other consumers similar to them could also benefit from your product/service. 2. It's...

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What's your TARGET Market?

To build a solid foundation for any business, you must first identify your typical consumer and customise your marketing based on them. Today businesses are as competitive as ever and having a well-defined target market is vital. No one can afford to target everyone; small businesses can effectively compete against larger companies by targeting a n...

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