What Are the Most Important SEO Ranking Factors?
Renae Weaver
Google's algorithm incorporates thousands of signals when it comes to determining page ranking for a search. There are, however, several factors that carry more weight than others, so optimising for these factors can be the difference between success and failure of being found online.  1. HOW MOBILE-FRIENDLY ARE YOU?  Mobile for some time...
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Want to Increase your Conversion Rate Online
Renae Weaver
Web Design
Your SEO is doing wonders for your website and getting you great rankings and even better traffic, but this traffic means nothing to your business if it doesn't convert to meaningful revenue. What will matter the most to the bottom line of any online marketing activities will be your conversion rate. This can also come in a number of forms and...
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The Rise of Mobile Marketing
Renae Weaver
Digital Marketing
2016 was crowned "the Year of Mobile" because the number of mobile users reached over 2.1 billion. So in 2017, I think you already know that your digital marketing strategy needs to incorporate mobile marketing. Today, it's impossible to not see people glued to their smartphones' screens. These little hand-held devices easily grab our attentio...
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7 Free Techniques to Increase Traffic to Your Website
Renae Weaver
People are searching for your business online as you read this article. Just because you have a website does not mean that you will be found online. SEO has become an important tool that needs to be included in any online marketing plan. Both online and off-line techniques are used to drive traffic to your website and it is this traffic that will m...
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Why is YouTube Effective for Marketing - Supercharge Your Strategy
Renae Weaver
Social Media Marketing
By now we all know that images and video attract our attention more than words and with over 1 billion unique visitors to YouTube each month and over 6000 million hours of video being watched, this platform has become a tool every small business owner should consider using in their marketing strategy. Most potential customers would much rather watc...
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Social Media: A Doubled-Edge Sword!
Renae Weaver
Social Media Marketing
Did you know that around 84% of B2B marketers use social media in some shape or form, no matter what they are selling or who they are selling it to? Social media is a major marketing tool used to increase brand awareness and your bottom line.  Just like a website, as a business, you need a social media plan when looking at marketing your brand...
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5 Kinds of Visuals that Will Improve Social Media Engagement
Renae Weaver
Social Media Marketing
We all know the saying; one image can speak 1,000 words; so it is with this in mind that we are going to talk a little about what kind of images and pictures are important to use on social media. Both on Facebook, Instagram or any other social network, a supporting visual will get the hardest part of the job done for you, and that is to catch peopl...
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Things You Should Know When Getting Your Website Developed
Renae Weaver
Web Design
So you are in the market for a web designer to develop a website for your business or redesign your current site. Let's face it, you won't be short of options as there are a lot of companies and individuals to choose from. With online marketing growing more and more each year, your website is going to be one of the most important tools you have to ...
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How Do I Choose the Best Social Media for My Business?
Renae Weaver
Social Media Marketing
It is estimated that about 2.72 million people will be using social media by 2019. That is almost three times more than in 2010! In April alone there were more than 1,590 million people using Facebook and up to 1 million of those users are Australians. This represents as many opportunities for you to increase your client base.  There are a lot...
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DIY Website Builder vs. The Web Developer
Renae Weaver
Web Design
Did you know that there are now more than one billion websites online ... impressive isn't it!  So if you are planning on adding to this ever growing number, then you will first have to decide how you want to go about building your website. If you are already a skilled web developer than your decision will be easy, however if you are like many...
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Your Website Content Is Important To Your Business
Renae Weaver
Web Design
Did you know that there are 571 websites developed every minute around the world?  In this fast-paced and continually growing online environment, your website is your number 1 promotional tool. A well-developed website can help your company flourish in this arena, where competition is fierce. Having a good website compared to a great site will...
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4 Essential SEO Building Blocks That Work Every Time
Renae Weaver
There are a number of techniques involved in Search Engine Optimisation. Below we are going to look at a few of the main strategies used. 1. KEYWORDS Short tail keywords are 1 to 3 words long and long tail Keywords or keyword phrases are more than 3 words long. It is a good idea to have a mixture of both in SEO. Keyword phrases are becoming more po...
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Local SEO! Are You Being Found In Your Local Market?
Renae Weaver
Ed Parson, Geospatial Technologist of Google, said that 1 in 3 of the search queries has local intent and almost 50% of those searches are made using our Smartphones.  With this in mind it is very important that you optimise your business online advertisement with your name, address, and telephone number; as well as your website URL, and any s...
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The Power of Influencer Marketing in the Digital Age
Renae Weaver
A big challenge new businesses face is getting their product or services in front of consumers. How can you grow your online presence and expose your brand if nobody knows you exist? A quick and easy way to increase exposure is to collaborate with people who already have loads of engaged followers.  There are so many things a business can do t...
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Catering For Users That Have Colour Deficiencies in Web Design
Renae Weaver
Web Design
Last week we talked about how important colour is when it comes to web design. I wanted to expand on that thought and talk about catering for users who suffer from colour deficiencies. When thinking about web design it's important to take into consideration people who have difficulties distinguishing between certain colours.  Say for instance,...
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