9 Practical Tips to Make Your Web Design Disability-Friendly
Renae Weaver
Web Design
In our last post, we talked about making your website colour-friendly to users who have difficulties with colour. But have you ever thought about making your website design disability-friendly? Approximately one billion people in the world have a disability, that's a huge chunk of the market! Every day websites prevent millions of users that are di...
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Colour Psychology in Web Design
Renae Weaver
Web Design
Are you thinking about getting online? Did you know how important colour design can be when it comes to your website and building your brand?  Scientists have been studying the way humans react to colours for years. By using colour psychology, you can send a positive or negative message, calm a crowd or even encourage sales. Certain colours ma...
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Email Marketing vs Social Media
Renae Weaver
Social Media Marketing
Until recently there has been conflict between social media and email marketing. Each platform competes against one another for the attention of consumers. Some say email is dead although reports state that email is actually more successful when it comes to selling products online compared to Facebook and Twitter. Study shows that 77% of people pre...
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Get Your Business Online in 2014
Renae Weaver
Small to medium-sized businesses cannot always afford all the resources to make their business grow and expand. A website in today's marketplace should be a priority however, there are still a large number of companies that do not have one. A survey done of Australian businesses revealed, that many small and medium companies, were still moving slow...
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The Future of Web Design - Responsive Web Design
Renae Weaver
Businesses need to reach their consumers wherever they are on whatever device they are on. Responsive Web Design (RWD) is the answer to the increasing amount of consumers accessing the web through mobile and tablet devices. Websites traditionally were designed for computers and laptops with large screens and are simply not flexible enough to fit on...
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Get visual with Pinterest
Renae Weaver
As highlighted in our previous post visual storytelling is currently a very popular marketing movement. Going visual will change the way you interact with your audience and can give your business the opportunity to reach new ones.  Considering that the majority of us have Facebook or Twitter business pages, I want to talk to you abou...
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Are images becoming more powerful than the written word?
Renae Weaver
We have always been visual in nature but thanks to the massive growth of social media, and its ability to enable us to share and interact with others in an instant, the image (a photograph or video) is becoming a more powerful and fun way to communicate with each other.  "A picture is worth a thousand words" has been a popular quote for a very...
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What does your Twitter page say about you?
Renae Weaver
Social Media Marketing
Making your site enduring is important if you want social media to effectively represent your brand and provide a good first impression. The "conversational search engine of our time" has been called Twitter. And as a company, you want to dominate that discussion. Unlike other social media platforms, Twitter goes a step further by making it simpler...
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Is your Website Mobile Responsive?
Renae Weaver
Web Design
Did you know that more individuals have access to cell phones than to restrooms today? Six billion of the projected seven billion people on the planet have access to mobile phones. That's enormous! Billions of users use their phones every second to do various types of transactions, including searching for restaurants, information, and purchasing. T...
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Use Video as a Powerful Marketing Tool for your Business
Renae Weaver
Digital Marketing
Throughout the past century, video has developed into the most effective form of communication. Online content consumption has exceeded traditional TV viewership, and it is just accelerating daily! Creating a video is a powerful technique to advertise to the public and get their attention. As people throughout the world become more tech-savvy, many...
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4 Proven Steps to Boost Your Facebook Presence in Just One Day
Renae Weaver
Social Media Marketing
Social Media is a business's link to millions of people in an instant; it gives businesses the power to reach consumers like never before. Although just having a Facebook or Twitter account is not going to draw consumers in. Businesses need to take that interaction a step further and step out of their comfort zone and into the world where their cus...
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Top 10 Benefits of Being Online for Your Business
Renae Weaver
Web Design
In the 21st century, a website is a vital part of your business! Why you, ask?The market in which business is conducted and communication has changed dramatically over the years. In 2000 33% of Australians had access to an internet connection, today 88% of Australians have access to the internet and that's growing and increasing daily. Phonebooks a...
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How do I get to the top of Google?
Renae Weaver
Search Engine listings are the #1 way to generate website traffic. However, there are now more web pages in the world than there are people, so even the best-designed site offering the greatest products or services will not be found if nobody knows it exists!With Search Engines receiving an estimated 90% of all Internet traffic, to be successful, i...
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5 Final Steps to Define Your Target Market - Have You Chosen Right
Renae Weaver
Now that you have the basics of selecting your target market you need to evaluate your decision. Consider the following questions:Are there enough people that fit my criteria?Will my target really benefit from my product/service? Will they see a need for it? Do I understand what drives my target to make decisions?Can they afford my product/ser...
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Target Markets - Understanding Demographics and Psychographics
Renae Weaver
Now that you have begun defining your target market the next step is to choose your Demographics and Psychographics. By doing this, you are further defining specific markets, benefiting your business. Firstly to define your demographics; you must be specific when doing so. Look at particular customers who need and want your product or service ...
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